Prix du XXe siècle — 2017 Recipients | Institut royal d'architecture du Canada

Prix du XXe siècle — 2017 Recipients

The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada and Heritage Canada The National Trust wish to promote public awareness about significant Canadian architecture of the 20th century.

The Prix du XXe siècle recognizes outstanding and lasting contributions to Canadian architecture, and landmark buildings in the historical context of Canadian Architecture. This prize celebrates design quality as well as enduring excellence, recognizing buildings that continue to be used as designed or that have successfully accommodated new uses without being altered in ways that detract from the original design intent. The award can recognize a building in Canada, designed by an architect from any country, or a building anywhere in the world that was designed by a Canadian architect.

Recipient(s) Architect(s)
CN Tower

John Andrews International/Roger du Toit

The Webb Zerafa Menkes Housden Partnership (WZMH)

Associated Project Architect, Edward R. Baldwin

Ontario Place - Cinesphere and Pods
Eberhard Zeidler (then of Craig Zeidler Strong, now Zeidler Partnership Architects)